How can I balance my dosha?

When your primary dosha is out of balance, it can create a negative impact on your mind, body and spirit. Prevent the disruption of your dosha and achieve a delicate balance with the following tips.

Balancing Vata

Vata represents movement and is responsible for our mental and physical adaptability. Some factors that cause an imbalance for vata are an irregular daily routine, travel, insufficient sleep and stress. To stabilize an unbalanced vata, establish a regular daily routine for waking up, meal times and bedtime (aim to be in bed by 10 pm). 

When it comes to diet, choose foods with high protein and fat along with warming items. Avoid alcohol, caffeinated beverages, chocolate and raw vegetables. Use abundant amounts of sesame oil and eat bananas, rice pudding, hot cereal, root vegetables and puréed soups. Stay hydrated as this dosha slants towards dryness. Exercise in moderation and focus on slowly paced activities like long nature walks and yoga as opposed to quick sports. Grounding meditation and limiting technology use will also help stabilize you.

Balancing Pitta

Pitta represents digestion (experiences and food) and transformation (chemical and metabolic). If your dominant dosha is pitta and you’ve been overexerting yourself, talking excessively, fasting and feeling angry, your dosha may be out of balance. Moderate all things in your life and loosen your tight schedule to balance pitta. Make time for playing, particularly with children and save time for spontaneity.

Favor cool beverages, freshly prepared food and eat a hearty lunch. Use ghee along with spices such as fennel, coriander, cardamom and turmeric in cooking. Stay away from chili peppers, vinegar, salt, alcohol, tobacco, caffeinated beverages and chocolate. Be sure to add sweet fruits and grains in your diet. Consider swimming, skiing, cycling, yoga and walking near bodies of water instead of competitive sports. Protect yourself from the mid-day sun, enjoy baths and partake in cold showers to position yourself favorably.

Balancing Kapha

Kapha represents protection and governs the structure of the body. Sleeping during the day, lack of physical and mental activity and overeating are signs of an unbalanced kapha. Stabilize kapha by waking up early (6 am or so) without an alarm and having a light dinner before 7 pm. 

Minimize heavy and warm foods and beverages while avoiding alcohol, caffeinated beverages and sweets. Enjoy spices, especially fresh ginger, and stay away from oily foods and heavy, dense carbs like pasta and rice. Opt for bitter, astringent ingredients and plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables. Seek mental challenges and exercise regularly and vigorously with brisk walks, hiking, long-distance running, weights and energetic yoga.


Don't know what your dosha is? Take our quiz! Don't know if your dosha is out of balance? Read our blog!