Golden Milk, or Haldi Doodh, is a recommended remedy for any kind of ailment because of its many incredible Ayurvedic ingredients that balance your doshas and decrease inflammation.
Here's a tasty Golden Milk recipe to help strengthen immunity as COVID continues.
💛 Simmer one cup of your favorite milk in a small pot
💛 Add .5 tsp ground turmeric to reduce inflammation
💛 Sprinkle in a pinch of black pepper to activate the turmeric
💛 Mix a dash of ground cinnamon to increase circulation
💛 Stir a dash of ground cardamom to ease muscle tension
💛 Mix as much honey (or sweetener of choice) from your local ethical apiary as you like AFTER you have removed your golden milk from heat. In Ayurveda, heating honey directly on a heat source is toxic and is a big no no. Honey, also known as madhu, is one of the most important Ayurvedic medicines. 🐝
Let us know how you like our nightly ritual and what you’re doing to increase your immunity.